Food: Quarantine Edition
May 15, 2020 | in Blog | by admin

Whether you’re gaining food knowledge, losing your knack for baking or trying a different diet during quarantine, all of us are eating something to fuel our bodies. Whether it’s good or bad we want to hear about it. Don’t worry, we’ll start. I asked my Avant8 teammates what they have been indulging in while in quarantine. Some are quite impressive (at least to me) others were simple, but comfort food seemed to be a common trait.


The Meat Eaters

Turns out most of my coworkers’ favorite quarantine recipes turned out to contain meat. Now, most people wouldn’t even notice this, but this content writer is a vegetarian. So, here you go meat eaters.


Content writer Katie versus Maple Soy Glazed Salmon: My fellow content writer, Katie and her family love variety in their kitchen. This salmon recipe is super easy to make and not one, but two really “goods.”


Project manager Tasha versus Crock Pot Cooker Crack Chicken: Tasha calls this recipe her got-to “lazy” recipe. And apparently, it’s also great for folks who endeavor to go the Keto diet route.


Web developer, Jordan has been making this Ultimate Mexican Street Corn Dip. It’s full of everything you could need in a dip. And if you ask me, it sounds good even without the bacon.


The Sweet Lovers

Who doesn’t love a good sweet? Well, a lot of people actually, so if you’re one of those people, move on.


Maddy, our content lead, is similar to me in ways. One is that we love baked goods but can’t really bake. This recipe for Peach Puff Pastry Tarts has officially been added to my list of “must makes.” She describes it as “super tasty” and easy as you can use puff pastry and even canned peaches.


One of our designers, Steve, has a few kiddos who have a sweet tooth. They made these Quick and Easy Brownies. What a fun way to get your family doing an activity together! What’s better than ending family time with a treat?


Project manager, Brad, gave us this recipe for Streusel Coffee Cake that him and his family enjoy often. That’ll be sure to cure any sweet tooth.


The Fancy

If you like to feast “fancy” this one is for you. Robby, our lead designer here at Avant8 decided to become a chef here during the middle of a pandemic. His favorite fancy meal has been Greek-style Roast Leg of Lamb for Easter (turns out Robby is a quarter Greek!). “Because I live by myself, it fed me for two weeks, and I never got sick of it. I did have to replenish the boxed rice pilaf on week two, though,” says Robby. I don’t know about you folks, but that looks like a fancy meal to me. Cheers to the fancy feasters!



And Me

I left the best for last (just kidding). I desperately wish I were like my cohorts in the fact that they are indulging in good, comfort food and sweets. During quarantine I have not explored food but have almost taken a step back. I eat a lot of bland pasta, roasted veggies and frozen bean and rice burritos (don’t lie, you know those things slap). Because of my poor food choices, I have no recipe to contribute.


Whether you’ve become a connoisseur of fancy meals, comfort meals, meals filled with meat or you’re a baker in progress, we’ve all got to eat. Even if it’s just a frozen burrito.






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