Market With YOUR Origin Story
February 7, 2018 | in Brands, Start Up Advice, Social Media | by admin

How do you make your company stand out? Is there a secret formula for finding success and triumphing over the competition? Truth is, there really is a way to market yourself without using up all your dough and resources (so you don’t need to seek out a magic genie to grant your wish for a profitable brand). The process is so simple and sadly, not enough small businesses take advantage of it. The secret is this: Tell your company’s story.

No one has the same unique story as you. Utilize that! Think like a skilled movie producer. What attracts us to a film is not how many (or how few) awards it’s gotten, but it’s the plot that draws us in.

A great example comes from superheroes. Every superhero has an origin story. Would you be as drawn to Spiderman if you had never heard how he got his powers? Would he seem very relatable if we never learned about Gwen Stacy or Uncle Ben? No. You wouldn’t feel as interested in what happens because he seems too distant from your own life. It’s important to bridge that gap between the brand and their audience.

Now let’s transfer that to your business.

Let’s say you own a dog food company called “KibbleBits”. You’re starting a marketing campaign and planning on using TV ads, along with social media, to increase customer awareness.

Which of these ads stands out more to you? “Buy my dog food, KibbleBits! It has real, fresh ingredients for your beloved pet.” OR  “I’ve grown up with pets my whole life, and when I saw that my collie, Scooter, was hardly eating his food. I decided to make a change in his diet. Then my company KibbleBits was born.”

Which ad do you think a customer would connect with more? The second one! It shows a person behind the product and a reason for what they do. It creates a human connection between businessman and customer.

Use your social media to connect with your customers. If you do own a dog food company, share videos of cute dogs running around, discuss trending topics like the Olympics (maybe add that dog-sledding should be included this year), and of course share pictures of your dog and how you came up with the idea for your business.

Whatever your business is, it has a story. Tell people how your company came to be. Your brand’s story is unique to you and no one else can claim it as their own. Show your customers what you’re all about and why they should listen to what you have to say. Give them a story to latch onto.

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