December 4, 2020 | in Blog, SEO | by admin

Good ole Salt Lake City, Utah or as some of us locals like to call it, Small Lake City. Yes, we are smaller than other cities but that doesn’t mean we aren’t up to date on popular culture or important practices. One of those important business practices? SEO aka search engine optimization. If you own a small, medium, or even large business, you should know about SEO. SEO can make or break your business. Why is this? Is it really that important? Where can I get this done? Well, look no further. Here at Avant8 we like to call ourselves experts in all things SEO, among other things. In this blog post, we will give you the basics of what SEO is and how it can help your business succeed. Let’s start at the basics. What is SEO?  


SEO: a definition.  

When running a business now-a-days if you don’t have a website or social media, you’re not in good shape. The internet has taken over and having the right tools will help you succeed. One of these tools is SEO. SEO in simple terms is a process which will help increase the visibility ofand quality and quantity of visitors to your website or app. Don’t understand? We get it. Even more simply put, SEO helps rank your website or app to the top of a search engine, like Google’s list. The higher you are on the list, the more likely you will get more traffic to your website, app, or even social media. The more traffic, the more customers, and of course, the more successful you’ll be. So, let’s break it down to even more bare basics. If your customers cannot find you, how will they use your service or buy your product? They won’t. They will click on the highest-ranking link on the list. There are many steps to improving your website’s SEO. One of them is my job as a content writer. I write day after day using the keywords that will launch your site to the first page. You know what they say, content is king that that’s why keywords are so important. Using keywords is just one of the many steps of SEO. A small Salt Lake City SEO company can help you with understanding the steps that follow. Now, you may understand a basic sense of SEO now, but you’ve got no idea how to do it, right? Well, you don’t have to know because we do.  


Salt Lake City SEO Company: Avant8 is here to rescue 

Did you expect us not to shamelessly plug our company? Well, we’re doing it anyway. Besides the “world’s best snow”, the red rocks down south, or our superior invention of Fry Sauce, Utah, but more closely in SLC, we love to shop local. Salt Lake City has a wide variety of local shops, diners, bars, etc. The closer to home, the better, right? This is one of the reasons a Salt Lake City SEO company like Avant8 could possibly be the best choice for you and your business. Our CEO may come from the land of Scotland, but he’s got a big heart for Salt Lake City and its businesses. Avant8 knows what it is like to be a small company but understands what it is like working for a large company. We want to help all businesses succeed and we have. Just check out our portfolio here. Not only are we experts at SEO we offer many different services. We are also experts in paid search, CRO (conversion rate optimization), Utah Web Design, Branding, and of course, Social Media. As a local and a smaller company, we want to build our community up by working together. So, when looking for a Salt Lake City SEO company, take us out for a spin, we won’t disappoint.  


Your success is our success 

Now, I’m just a measly content writer, but I know this small SLC business and I know that everyone puts their heart into their work to ensure that we are reaching your goals. Being a business owner is hard enough especially in this year of 2020 (is it over yet?). Trying to understand and implement SEO should be left to the experts, that’s us, in case you forgot. If you want to learn more of the steps we take with SEO click here it will take you to our Search Engine Optimization page.  Let’s work together to make your success our success. 

call us 801 716 8106